Unseen, Unvalued, Unrecognized: The Hidden Trap of Playing Small and the Path to Visibility

Simone Fortier
4 min readFeb 18, 2024

If you are wondering why you are not seen, recognized, or valued, it could be a pattern of playing small.

Like it or not, how do you see yourself in today’s world? Social media — is beneficial and necessary for opportunities, connections, or personal growth.

Don’t tell me you’re not on it:

1. Cat videos are in the multi-millions

2. Animal videos are in the multi-millions.

3. Shopping online is in the trillions.

If you’ve been flying under the radar and are ready to step into the light, here’s how to pivot from hiding to being seen, along with actionable steps to make your presence known.

If you say I don’t have to promote my business or go online, I am busy enough. That is a sign you are playing small.

Why do I say that?

Take a read.

Playing small in your life can manifest in various ways, often stemming from fear, lack of confidence, or a desire to avoid failure or rejection.


Here are three signs that you might be playing small in your life:

  1. Avoiding Risks and New Opportunities: One of the most evident signs of playing small is the tendency to avoid taking risks or stepping into new opportunities.

This could mean passing up on chances to advance in your career, hesitating to start a new project or business, or shying away from personal growth opportunities.

If you find yourself sticking to the “safe” path, even when part of you yearns to try something new or challenging, you might limit your potential.

If you have made and charged the same amount and raised your fee 5 to 10 dollars a year, you are playing small.

  1. Downplaying Your Achievements and Abilities: Another sign is consistently downplaying your achievements, skills, or talents.

This might manifest as attributing your successes to luck rather than hard work and skill or feeling like an impostor in your accomplishments.

If you frequently deflect compliments, struggle to accept praise, or feel uncomfortable discussing your achievements, you could be playing small by not owning your strengths and capabilities.

  1. Setting Low Expectations for Yourself: Setting goals far below your potential is how individuals play small. This involves choosing easily attainable objectives that require minimal effort rather than setting ambitious goals that challenge you and promote growth.

If you’re setting the bar low to avoid disappointment or failure, you’re likely not allowing yourself to see what you can achieve.

If you have yet to fail anything massively, you are playing small.

Even more signs — My partner does not support me. I only help him/her or his/her children.

When a relationship is healthy, partners support each other’s growth, happiness, and individual pursuits.

However, in some relationships, one partner might, consciously or unconsciously, act in ways that limit the other’s potential or keep them “small.”

Here are three signs that your partner may be keeping you small:

  1. Discouraging Your Goals and Passions: If your partner often discourages you from pursuing your goals, dreams, or passions, this is a significant red flag.

This could manifest as negative comments or passive-aggressive behavior sure I will do it, but make sure you massively fail. Have they ever made you feel unrealistic or incapable, or do they express disinterest or annoyance when you discuss your aspirations?

A supportive partner should encourage your growth and be your cheerleader, not someone who dampens your spirit or makes you doubt your abilities.

IT can be very subtle or blatant.

  1. Isolating You from Support Systems: A partner keeping you small might isolate you from your friends, family, or any support system that empowers you.

This isolation can be subtle, such as making negative comments about those you are close to, suggesting you spend all your free time with them, or showing jealousy towards your relationships with others.

Isolation is a tactic that can make you more dependent on your partner, thereby limiting your personal growth and external influences.

  1. Criticizing or Undermining Your Successes: Another sign is if your partner consistently criticizes, undermines, or belittles your achievements and successes. They can also always play a victim, so you end up rescuing them all the time emotionally, financially, or physically. So, you work all day and then are consumed by their needs all night.

This behavior can make your successes seem insignificant, attributing your achievements to luck or external factors rather than your effort and skills or not celebrating your victories with you.

Such actions can erode your self-confidence and make you question your worth and capabilities.

If you recognize these signs in your relationship, having an open and honest conversation with your partner about how their behavior affects you might be worth it.

In some cases, partners may not be aware of the impact of their actions and may be willing to work on changing their behavior.

However, if the behavior continues despite discussions, it might be necessary to reconsider the health and viability of the relationship for your growth and well-being.

Change begins in the brain, taking massive action and energy.

I am always here to support you, even if it’s not easy. I did it myself, so I know how hard it can be. You only have one life, and it’s yours to succeed and truly enjoy.

Stopping patterns is hard, and I highly recommend the Brain Nutrition program and coaching with me to help you walk through this.

Whether you decide to stay or not to stay, to scale or not, there is no judgment. But let’s start living your best life now.

Book a call to find out how you can work with me to elevate your business and your soul.




Simone Fortier

Founder of Stretching Fascia Therapy and Fascia Training Institute, Author, Health Educator and Health Coach, Speaker, Medical Intuitive