Simone Fortier
3 min readJan 25, 2024


The Baffling Brain: Why We Ditch What’s Good for Us

Oh, the human brain!

That magnificent, complex, and sometimes utterly perplexing organ.

It’s like a high-performance sports car, but sometimes, we treat it like a rusty old clunker.

Here are five reasons, especially in those with ADHD, why our brains, when deficient in neurotransmitters and nutrition, make choices that are, let’s say, less than stellar.

  1. Selective Hearing, But For Brain Cells: Our brain, in all its wisdom, decides, “Hey, you know what’s fun? Ignoring all the good stuff!” It’s like going to a buffet and filling your plate with napkins. Nutrients? Neurotransmitters? No, let’s go for stress and junk food!
  2. The Rebel Without a Cause: When the brain is low on the good stuff, it becomes that rebellious teenager who refuses to do what’s proven and what is best for him or her. “Eat healthy? Exercise? Pfft. Let’s binge-watch TV shows and eat ice cream at 3 AM.” That’s a classic brain deficiency move.
  3. Memory? What Memory?: Ever walk into a room and forget why you’re there? That’s your nutrient-deficient brain playing hide and seek with your memory. “I know I came here for something… Oh, look, a shiny object!”
  4. Decision-Making Roulette: Making decisions with a brain low on neurotransmitters is like playing roulette. “Should I go to bed early or stay up pondering the meaning of life?” Spoiler alert: The brain chooses the latter every single time.
  5. The Drama Queen: When the brain lacks what it needs, it becomes a drama queen. Every small setback is a catastrophe. Instantly, it turns into I hate my life, I have my spouse, I had my job. “I spilled my coffee; my day is ruined!” Oh, brain, you melodramatic organ, you.

Here is the solution –

Taurine, Inositol, and Omegas: A Triple-Threat for Eye and Brain Health

In brain nutrition and health, taurine, inositol, and omega fatty acids are exceptional nutrients, particularly for maintaining and enhancing eye and brain health.

Their combined effects offer a multifaceted approach to nurturing these vital organs.

Taurine, a sulfur-containing amino acid, plays a crucial role in retinal health. It’s involved in various retinal processes, ensuring that our vision remains sharp and our eyes function optimally.

Studies have indicated that taurine protects against retinal degeneration, which can lead to impaired vision or even blindness. Moreover, taurine has shown a potential to support neural development and function, contributing to overall brain health.

Inositol, often considered a B vitamin, is another key player. It’s essential in transmitting nerve signals and helps maintain cell membranes’ structural integrity.

This is particularly crucial in the brain and eyes, where rapid and efficient signal transmission is vital for cognitive functions and visual processing. Its role in reducing oxidative stress also benefits brain and eye health, potentially protecting against age-related mental decline and eye diseases.

Lastly, omega fatty acids, particularly omega-3s like DHA, are vital for brain and eye health.

DHA is a major structural component of the retina, essential for maintaining its health and function. In the brain, these fatty acids support cognitive function, memory, and mood regulation. They play a protective role against neurodegenerative diseases and contribute to maintaining healthy neural connections.

Together, taurine, inositol, and omega fatty acids synergize.

Their combined properties enhance brain function, protect against cognitive decline, and safeguard our vision, ensuring our eyes remain healthy as we age.

Incorporating these nutrients into our diet is a strategic move toward maintaining overall neurological and visual health.

Start by finding out what exactly your brain needs by clicking the link.

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Simone Fortier

Founder of Stretching Fascia Therapy and Fascia Training Institute, Author, Health Educator and Health Coach, Speaker, Medical Intuitive