Simone Fortier
2 min readFeb 27, 2022


How to Reduce Cellulite and Fascia

NormaTec Fascia and Cellulite

Today, Nick reached out; he wanted to add the NormaTec machine to his strength and conditioning program and know its benefits for his clients.

What an excellent question for coaches!

The purpose of the machine is to move the lymph. What is that important? The faster your lymphatics move, the healthier your body will be, and yes, you will weigh less.

The lymphatics play a direct role in

  1. Removing cancer cells.
  2. Recovery after workout
  3. Reduction of swelling
Restricted fascia looks like cellulite

Yet there is always a catch.

Restricted fascial fibers can impede lymphatic flow. Fascia loves fluid.

If there are lines of tension in the fascia, you will have the appearance of cellulite; the fluid is trapped or encapsulated in the pockets of fascial congestion creating lymphatic congestion, which affects the flow of the lymph.

The dynamics of lymphatic pumping reveal complex behaviors indicating that the entire system’s performance is affected by minor changes in pressure and flow. More serious disruptions can lead to incurable swelling of tissues called lymphedema.


Get your lymphatics moving.

  1. From breathing
  2. Movement
  3. NormaTec

The machine is an excellent resource for your clients after training, as it prevents the legs from feeling heavy improves uptake of nutrients and output of waste.

It’s a no-brainer as a coach to add this to your practice. The more results you attain, the more value you can demand.



Simone Fortier

Founder of Stretching Fascia Therapy and Fascia Training Institute, Author, Health Educator and Health Coach, Speaker, Medical Intuitive