Can you Stretch you Fascia Fact or Fiction?

Simone Fortier
2 min readFeb 6, 2020


Fascia Stretching or Spacing in the Body?

It is obvious to the naked eye that you can train fascia, it can be molded into whatever form or body position you do the most. Kids at the early age of 8 now have the posture of a 40-year-old due to the overuse of smartphones and computers.

The smartphone is being used as a babysitter. Not only does this create a distraction or disconnect emotionally from a parent, but the child will also replicate or mimic what the parent or guardian does the most — look down at the object in their hands. The internal thought process of children and adults is ‘why is that so much more important than I am? I am right here’. Thoughts, both negative and positive, have an impact on the health and mobility of the fascia.

Looking down continually not only increases the rate of aging due to restriction on organs and cells, but it also changes the shape of the child’s fascia, their eyesight, and their digestive system. Compressing or reducing the space for swallowing, breathing, digestion, and heart rate. No wonder anxiety levels are increasing, not only due to the air pollution the frequency pollution of electronics and wifi, but also having the fascia clamp down on the ribcage and diaphragm.

The Fascia Treatment release lines of tension, which mean it reduces wrinkles, anti-aging. Look closely at her face as well as posture.

40-year-old individuals now have the posture of 80-year-old’s and so on, often experiencing reduced mobility and chronic back and neck pain along with some form of acid reflux. It’s an epidemic.

Fascia creates the space inside the body for movement. This spacing allows for cells and neurons to fire in an aqueous environment. Changing this internal environment taxes the immune system, the brain, and the psyche. Wonder why people feel so tired and the body is heavy? It’s the lines of tension in the fascia.

How Does Fascia “Stretch” and How Can it Be “Trained”?

  1. Fascia stretches — there is some pliability in the fascia at certain angles and directions due to the elastin fibers. These micro stretches occur when directly moving the fascia. The fascial fibers are always changing with movement. Fibers attach and then detach which allows for an increase of space inside the body.
  2. Fascia can affect training — if the fascia, a structure that is stronger than steel, is strangling a muscle the muscle loses power.
  3. Movement- trains the fascia to stay in motion and to prevent fascia from becoming like a vice around organs, muscles, and cells, which creates a healthy internal environment.

To create a new language to release the fascia is not truly a stretch, but it creates space in the body for movement, power, and function.

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Simone Fortier

Founder of Stretching Fascia Therapy and Fascia Training Institute, Author, Health Educator and Health Coach, Speaker, Medical Intuitive